
Faculty will partner with students to assist them in developing a personal career plan that includes an understanding of major fields of study, 课程要求, and occupational opportunities.


Assistant Professor of English and Associate Professor of English


  • 英语131

Linkages with Other Plays:

  • Academic Skill Development – Play 5
  • 机构技术 - Play 4
  • 动力——玩8
  • 住宅订婚 – Play 14


  • P-9a: 英语131 and respective Quarterbacks will establish a collaborative partnership to prepare for supporting student career plan development.
  • P-9b: 英语131 will incorporate assignments that assist students in career plan development.


  1. Identification of relevant English faculty (list of faculty and selection process)
  2. Number (percent) of students [first-time freshmen] successfully completing assignment (assignment pass rates)
  3. List of students [first-time freshmen] completing assignment (assignment pass rate by student)

This structured approach ensures that students are well-supported in their career planning and development, promoting a clear understanding of their academic paths and future occupational opportunities.